Twilight Zone Birthday Cake

Twilight Zone Birthday Cake


My son, Andy, turns 12 today. On Friday the 13th, which I think is cool. My mother, however, was so upset the day I had him because I had him Thursday, February 13th. "He's going to have his first birthday on a Friday the 13th!". I really liked that idea, but I have always liked 13. So there ya go ;) Over the New Year's I recorded on the DVR a ton of Twilight Zones from the 60's. Andy was curious about the series because we got in a long discussion about the series back in October when we ran the Disney Tower of Terror 13K (The Tower of Terror ride at Hollywood Studios is themed around the TV series 'The Twilight Zone'). So for the past few weeks he has been watching a few episodes here and there and declared that he wanted a Twilight Zone themed birthday party. This made me very happy, as I love the show, but really wasn't sure how I was going to do a cake with that theme. I knew that it must have an airplane with a monster on it though because his most favorite episode (and the one that scares him the most, but he still watches it over and over and over again) is 'Nightmare at 20000 Feet', the one with William Shatner in his screen debut, imagining that there is a monster on the wing of the plane destroying it.

Well, this is what I ended up with, and he loved it completely, which of course make me a very happy mommy :) (I would like to add, I am not a cake decorator in the least, and don't really know the secrets, so please forgive the obvious mess-ups)

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